Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Assignment 4

Looking back at the beginning of my student teaching the following was my List of Goals:

To be able to effectively teach by including an anticipatory set and closure without over thinking it or preparing many hours for it.
I have been able to accomplish this goal by focusing on it during my lesson planning preparation, and making note to what my University Supervisor and Cooperating teacher have noted. One I made this goal it was something that I thought I may struggle with as a teacher, but from the beginning have realized that it wasn’t an area where my University Supervisor said that I needed to focus more on, or have lack there of.

To experience Parent-Teacher conferences
I was able to partake in this phenomenal experience of boasting about the parents’ children during November 11, and 18th.

To get involved in one ore more activities outside of the classroom.
I was involved in Staff Meetings, and Community Education Volleyball. 3 Field trips :)

To attend a school board or some other Staff meeting.
I have attended all the beginning of the year workshops, and 2 staff meetings. As well as one retirement party.

To get great reviews and feedback from both my university supervisor but also my cooperating teacher.

Through my observations I have accomplished this. I can proudly say I have accomplished all of these goals.

One meaningful experience that I have had during student teaching.... One of my students who I have grown very close to and helped along the way with redirecting said the following at our grand-friend pie social:
 He stated to his grand friend when I was just in ear shot (he didn’t know I was listening) “That’s Miss Hinkemeyer she brightens my day each day at school.” This  experience was very meaningful to me. Being able to partake in conferences and boasting about their children was so much fun. I enjoyed being able to tell them specific instances about their children was so fun and rewarding. The constant cards and gifts  that I have been receiving as a sign of how important the student’s see me has been so heart warming. I am really going to miss the everyday repetition of partaking in their learning, and celebrating their successes. Teaching is such a rewarding job.  I wrapped up my experience with a bang :) We went on a field trip, and had a class party. Other classes even showed their compassion :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Glimpses of Fall Fun!!

            Our class at Gilby's Apple Orchard (Wednesday, October 6th, 2010).

Our class on October 29th, 2010 After we went on the Halloween Parade, and had our class party :)
Our class on our Field Trip to the School Forest :) Nature Walk!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Staff Meetings/Conferences/Quarter 1 grades submitted!

This week was a busy one!
We have officially met and set up conferences, and have all the grading done. I have been grading all classroom material. It is such a great learning experience. Our conferences will be November 11 from 3:45-7:40, and November 18th 3:45-7:40. I am really looking forward to this process.

We have been writing to our pen pals and that is well underway, we will have a pie social on Friday, November 12th for the students to meet their pals! I have been fortunate to teach my class the writing process of a friendly letter, and how to properly fill out an envelope. They have come such a long way! Yesterday, we made Turkey's out of milk cartons and some placemats for our decorations. I also am teaching them a song to sing :) Being in Choir comes in handy in the classroom :D

Analysis of the Instructional Process


Monday, November 1, 2010

Teaching Full Time!

I have currently been teaching full time since October 15th. It feels great :) I have been observed 3 times, and have been progressing as a teacher :) Today I incorporated a lot of technology in my lessons :) It feels good to be organized!!