Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lesson Two

Click below to see my lesson plan through googledocs:

Samples of student work

High Quality because of the following reasons:
1. Use of Spelling words and they are properly underlined.
2. 8 words in each sentence.
3. Had an adult check for grammar and Spelling.
4. Good, clear handwriting.

Low Quality because of the following reasons:
1. Doesn't have all Spelling words underlined.
2. Did not have a parent check for grammar or spelling errors.
3.Missed proper punctuation in Number 5.

Students were assessed on the following for their Spelling Sentences
1. Have 8 Sentences.
2. Have proper Spelling and Punctuation.
3. Use 8 words in each sentence.
4. Underline Spelling Word.
5. Check with an adult before handing in.
6. Due Thursday
The assignment is graded out of 20

For the worksheet I created, that they were supposed to color the Ai words Blue, the Ay words Red, and the Ea words purple...they were graded on participation points. For the select students who had some of the words wrong, I just reiterated the ea, ay, ai forms of the long a vowel patterns

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